Hallo readers, so I would like to talk about my activities in a week for my first topic.
On weekdays I don’t really wake up that early due to having a lot of deadlines and homework…etc, so I usually wake up at 9AM -10AM. First 1 hour of the day is for my personal hygiene, like brushing my teeth, taking a shower and washing my face.
Sometime i just wont eat breakfast even though i know it’s not good for my health, but if i do i would just cook something easy for a fast breakfast or you can call it “brunch”. After that, if i still have time i would just be chilling watching Youtube or TV until it’s time to go to school.
After my classes from 1PM to 4:30PM end i head home. Takes a pretty long time to get home but im finally home, by that time its 6PM - 6:30PM. Its late but that is early for me, if it’s back then it would’ve been 7:30PM. So when I'm home the first thing I do is chores so it’s out of my way for the evening.
7:30PM it’s the time for homeworks, if i’m lucky enough i won't have any. After my many homeworks and deadlines it's 9PM
You will see me rushing to the pc to play some games with my friends both IRL and in game. 11PM I'm down and in my room but would I go to bed that time? No way, I'll stay up an hour or two more to watch youtube and then it's bedtime.
So on the weekends it’s the same thing but just no school im and just home playing video games. On days like this I don't need to do my homeworks because it's the weekend and it’s when i relaxxx. My days seem normal but remember normal is good